Hubbard County Jail - Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The Hubbard County Jail has a zero -tolerance for sexual abuse.  The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 is a federal law that seeks to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual misconduct.

PREA Overview

The Hubbard County Jail has a zero tolerance policy toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in our facility, under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) 2003.  We will enforce all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to inmate sexual misconduct.  All reports will be fully investigated, which includes both allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment, by the Hubbard County Jail and the Hubbard County Sheriff's Office Investigative Division.

Under PREA, we have established uniform methods for prompt reporting and investigation of allegations of sex-related offenses or threats, identification of predators, protection of victims, and prescribing sanctions for substantiated sexual offenses, as well as false allegations.  This standard is directed to all sexual acts relating to:  inmate to inmate, inmate to staff, and staff to inmate.

Inmates who are currently being sexually assaulted are encouraged to talk to a staff member.  This will allow for the quickest response.

If you suspect that an inmate is the victim of sexual assault/harassment, it can be reported in one of the following ways:

1.  Contact the Hubbard County Jail Administration Office during regular business hours at 218-732-3331 and you will be directed to someone who can take the information.

2.  Call the Hubbard County Jail and request to speak with a Shift Supervisor to make a report at 218-732-2512.

3.  Call Support Within Reach at 218-237-0330 or 1-800-708-2727 with the option to remain anonymous.

4.  Send an email to

2019 - Hubbard County Final Audit Report