Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan
Hubbard County is developing a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes for all road users (pedestrians, drivers, bicyclists, and public transit users) on County-owned roadways.
The Action Plan will identify projects and policies to proactively address these challenges based on data analysis and stakeholder input.
What is SS4A?
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) established the SS4A grant program to distribute funds for safety projects in 2022-2026. The SS4A funds projects for regional, local and Tribal agencies through grants. The SS4A supports the U.S. Department of Transportation’s goal of zero roadway deaths. You can learn more about SS4A at this link.
We want to hear from you!
Throughout this process, the project team will seek community input to understand our community’s traffic safety concerns. With community input and safety data, this plan will prioritize roadway projects and policies that address safety challenges.
Please take some time to share your thoughts on how to make Hubbard County roads safer for pedestrians, drivers, bicyclists, and public transit users.