Strategic Plan

Hubbard County staff and Board of Commissioners have been actively working through the strategic planning process, to better identify the counties goals, the strategies necessary to accomplish those goals and the internal performance management system used to monitor and evaluate progress. Most organizations use a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) or gap analysis to identify the underlying factors driving their current performance. This, in turn, provides information regarding the most high-leverage strategies to create change.

Following a series of meeting between Commissioners, a consultant, and department heads, consensus was reached on the Mission, Vision and Values statements and five strategic imperatives were identified; employment, communications, Information technology, economic development and financial/capital planning.  These determinations provided critical information and guidance for the subset of department heads that then joined forces to further refine and develop the strategies and action steps necessary to generate the plan that was presented to the Board of Commissioners for approval at their November 16, 2021 meeting and to identify the responsible individuals for the ongoing work for each step. 
For additional information, feel free to reach out:  Jeff Cadwell at