Housing Redevelopment & Economic Development Authority
For many years, the Hubbard County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) has supported housing in the county by responsibly managing multiple properties, the Cornerstone, Regency, Meadow View, The Men's House, and Meadows Edge Apartments.
In the 2024, the Hubbard County Board of Commissioners established a Study Committee under Minnesota Statutes §469.1082 for the purpose of exploring the potential creation of an EDA. The Boards primary motivation is its desire to promote economic and housing development in areas of the County not served by an existing city EDA. Following the recommendation of the Study Committee, on August 6, 2024, the county board adopted Resolution 0806202404 establishing a county economic development authority to operate under sections 469.090 to 469.1081. Specifically, in the interest of efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability, the Committee recommends the formation of a combined EDA-HRA that is organized and governed with a single Board of Commissioners, and as a component unit of the County.
The combined HRA/EDA will continue to fulfill the housing work it has been doing for years and now will include more general economic development activities. The HRA can, and has always, worked county-wide on housing. An Economic Development Authority (EDA) can only operate within jurisdictions which have adopted a resolution as described in Minnesota Statutes §469.1082, Subd. 5. Local jurisdictions are being invited to adopt a resolution to participate, should their community need additional capacity to work on economic development.