Organics Recycling
What are organics?
Organics is a term for any material that can be composted. There are four categories that organics can be split into:
- Food scraps
Food soiled paper
Other compostable products
Plant debris*
*Plant debris is handled separately from the rest of the compostable materials. Plant material can be taken to either transfer station. To learn more look at our yard waste program.
Organics Program
Our organics recycling program is focused on collecting food scraps, food-soiled paper, and compostable products.
Our organics program is completely free for any Hubbard County resident to use. However, registration is required. Residents can register online, by email, by phone or in person. The best option is to fill out our online registration form to become a part of our organics program . You can also email solidwaste@co.hubbard.mn.us or call 218-732-1468. If you would like to register in person you can come to the south transfer station.
After you fill out a simple form there will be a short tutorial to help you learn what can and can't be put in the organics bin. Once you have finished the tutorial you will receive a comprehensive list of acceptable items and a free six month supply of certified compostable bags.
Would you like your business or event to collect organics?
If you would like your business to be a part of our organics program your welcome to stop into the south transfer station main office, call us at (218)732-9568, or email us at solidwaste@co.hubbard.mn.us
If you would like your event to include recycling and organics collection, please fill out our event recycling and organics form.
Why should you join the organics program?
By using the organics program all of your food waste and food-soiled paper will be converted into rich compost. Compost has many benefits to our local soil. Compost is full of nutrients and acts as a natural fertilizer. Compost also helps our soils retain moisture, so lawns and gardens don’t need to be watered as often. It also has been found that compost can act as a natural pesticide to prevent common diseases and infestations. By choosing to compost your food waste you are conserving valuable resources rather than throwing them away, where they are destined for a landfill or incinerator.
What items can be accepted for organics recycling?
Our organics recycling program will accept food waste, food-soiled and other household compostable items. All organics must be brought to the south transfer station in either a certified compostable bag or a reusable container.
Food waste
Produce or Fruits and vegetables
Peelings, pits and shells
Meat, fish and bones
Bones, scales and shells
Dairy products
Yogurt and cheese
Eggs and eggshells
Bakery and dry goods
Pasta, beans and rice
Bread and cereal
Nuts and shells
Coffee Grounds
Pet food
Food-soil paper
Napkins, paper towels and tissues
Paper egg cartons
Shredded paper
Paper bags (recycle if not soiled)
Parchment and wax paper
Tissue paper
Paper towel and toilet paper rolls
Coffee filters
Tea bags
Other compostable products
Houseplant trimmings
Dead flowers
Wood chopsticks, popsicle sticks and toothpicks
Hair and nail clippings
Where are organics accepted for recycling?
Organics are accepted at the south transfer station for composting. This recycling program is free to all residents in Hubbard County. However, residents must register for the program before dropping off their organics. All organics must be brought to the south transfer station in either a certified compostable bag or a reusable container.